Sorry - I missed a few days of posting. I am watching Mariah's sister, Brylee along with my three kids so I literally have no free time. The past couple days have been going rather good for Mariah, compared to her last surgery. She has only needed a few units of blood - they got the bleeding under control this time as they were anticipating it this time. She does currently have blood pooling in her chest a bit, and the cure for that is to be sitting up and moving a bit - which as you can probably imagine hurts very badly. Mariah is a trooper and is doing amazing, as we all expected! She is by far the strongest person I know,  and wise beyond her years. We love her very much and are so thankful for all the prayers that have been said for her! The chest tubes will remain in for today, they'll see how much blood loss she has today and over night to see if they'll come out tomorrow or not. We are praying that she keeps trucking along wi
The valve is repaired. They are going to keep her sedated throughout the night and keep a very close eye on bleeding, as that was a HUGE issued last surgery. They said the valve had lots of little holes in it making repair difficult. We are praying for an uneventful night.
Unfortunately there was a set back with Mariah's surgery. They repaired the aortic valve and then performed an echo to see if the leakage was repaired; unfortunately the valve is still leaking. The surgeons will open her back up again and try to repair the valve to stop the leaking. Please continue to send prayers. God bless!
Mariah went back for surgery at 10:12 am on January 18, 2013 - at The Children's Hospital.  She is a very brave, strong young lady. Thank you all for keeping Mariah in your thoughts and prayers today! We will update as soon as we have details to share.


    We will work to keep our followers updated on Mariah's recovery and benefit details.


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